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Prologue and The Trial of Socrates
From Delphi the Philosopher

It's all anyone in Athens is talking about.  The infamous philosopher Socrates has been arrested and faces trial and possible execution.  Delphi, with her friend Plato, can't make sense of it - what's so bad about asking people questions?  Together, they decide to sneak in to find out for themselves...

This download consists of the first two enquiries from Delphi the Philosopher – a perfect way to introduce children to philosophy.

This lesson is focused on introducing and engaging the children with the story and main characters.  It uses a range of short activities to introduce the children to the basic skills required for philosophy lessons – listening, asking questions and explaining their ideas.  It also offers an opportunity for some pre-unit assessment, so that the needs of the children can be identified for future lessons.

The Trial of Socrates:
This lesson continues to develop the children’s basic skills for philosophy lessons.  The main focus is on the need to use ‘because’ to justify our ideas.  The first sentence stems are introduced and the importance of why we need to disagree with one another, and identify when we’re not sure, are looked at explicitly.  The chapter also completes the overall introduction to the story of Delphi the Philosopher and gives some context to future lessons.


  • The full colour e-book of the Prologue and The Trial of Socrates from Delphi the Philosopher, including guidance notes for teachers throughout.
  • Detailed lesson plans for both lessons.
  • The Delphi Philosophy Enquiry Guide, a quick-start guide to teaching with Delphi Philosophy.
  • Picture slideshows for both chapters, including all the questions and hand drawn and painted colour illustrations.
  • All the sentence stems and other display materials ready to print off for your classroom.
  • Examples of pupil work from the lessons.
  • Lesson resources.


Terms and Conditions apply.

Prologue & The Trial of Socrates - Enquiry Pack

  • File Format

    Your file can be downloaded from the confirmation screen by clicking the download button.  Save this file to your own computer or hard drive.  Upon completion of purchase, you'll also receive an e-mail containing a link to your download.  The link remains active for 30 days.  To download your file, click the link, and save the file to your computer or device.  If you experience any problems with accessing the link, you can also right click and 'save target as' or open your e-mail in a web browser.  If you ever lose your file, need a new link or experience any technical problems, just contact us and we can resolve it.


    Download is in a .zip format.  This can be opened by most operating systems or with free software such as Winzip ( 


    The resources are in .pdf format.  This will require software such as Microsoft Edge or Adobe Reader to open. The document should open on tablets / phones without the need for additional software, but should be saved to your files or an app such as iBooks.


    The slideshows are in read-only Powerpoint presentation format (.ppsx).

  • Terms and Conditions

    By purchasing this product, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions.  Please review them here before completing your order.  Purchasing this product entitles you to use all the resources within your school or educational establishment.  Do not copy or distribute any part of these resources with anyone else by any means. 


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