Hi all,
It’s only been two weeks since we launched this website and we’ve had some lovely reactions so far! Thank you to everyone who has joined the mailing list, followed us on Twitter or registered your interest. It’s amazing we’ve had people register from all over the world, from our doorstep in Coventry to Washington DC and India! We’ve had teachers, as well as parents, home educators, academics, philosophers and educational consultants all express an interest. It’s been a really pleasant surprise to see the variety of people who want to know more about Delphi’s story. The nicest feedback of course has been from the children and parents in our school who have heard the full story. One parent told us she couldn’t wait for after school on Wednesday’s because she wanted her daughter to tell her what happened next! We even had a little article in our school newsletter.

We’re completely reliant on word of mouth, so please do spread the word about us! It would be wonderful to get as many different schools and educators involved as we can.
You might be wondering when you’re going to get to use the resources for yourself – well, it won’t be long now! The resources are all written and trialled – we’re just doing final touches and putting together the final format. We have been using Delphi in our school since September – but we wanted to get it right before we started sharing it.
Speaking of sharing <drumroll>, I happy to tell you that we will be sending out a FREE chapter of Delphi the Philosopher very soon to everyone who has registered their interest on this site. We can’t wait to share it with you – it’s one of our favorites. So, if you haven’t already, please do register your interest and spread the word! The rest of the story and the full set of resources will be available in a couple of months, but we hope this will give you a taster and a chance to try Delphi Philosophy for yourself.
As an aside, we had a wonderful day yesterday with Dave Keeling (the Stand Up Educationalist) and Hywel Roberts (the Travelling Teacher) at an INSET day. They spoke for hours on the importance of engaging children in their learning through empathy, storytelling and being funny. And they are seriously funny. It was everything Delphi is trying to be.
We really hope you’re looking forward to trying out Delphi the Philosopher for yourself. And keep spreading the word!
Thanks again for all your support – we really appreciate it.
P.S. – It was Valentine’s Day this week. Here’s to being best friends and avoiding suspicious red potions which might make things complicated.
