Dave@DelphiDelphi Membership, Kindle Edition and more!Delphi Philosophy memberships are now available, and download Delphi the Philosopher on Kindle.
Dave@DelphiDelphi and the Recovery CurriculumDelphi Philosophy can help children rebuild their learning skills to catch up for their lost time in school. Find out more here.
Dave@DelphiSpringtime Updates from DelphiThe final lesson blog is now available, as well as a brand new video and a chance to help us develop new resources!
Dave@DelphiMerry Christmas from Delphi Philosophy!Thank you to everybody who has supported Delphi this year!
Dave@DelphiHow Delphi was born: My journey with Philosophy for ChildrenI thought now would be a good time to share a little of the history behind Delphi Philosophy and how it came to be.