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Hill of the Muses

Ancient Greek Art

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The Hill of the Muses, the tallest of the three hills to the west of the Acropolis, offered the best views of the city.  The crowds of pilgrims (and slaves) were clearly visible climbing up towards the Propylaia, and on towards the Parthenon.  From here, a frieze depicting the muses looked down on the temples, bestowing their divine guidance.  It was said to be a good place to come for inspiration.

It certainly gave Delphi an idea.

I’m never climbing this big hill again, she thought.

Hill of the Muses: Fact box

  • The Hill of the Muses, also known as the Hill of Philopappos, is a large hill to the southwest of the Acropolis.  It is part of a series of hills that includes the Pnyx and the Hill of the Nymphs.


  • The monument there now was built in Roman times in 116 AD.


  • Before that, it had a shrine to the Muses – these were nine goddesses that were thought to inspire creative ideas in writing, music, history, poetry and dance.  Nowadays, we still think of a ‘muse’ being someone who inspires great art.


  • The Greeks were far ahead of their time in terms of art.  They were expert architects, sculptors and potters and were the inventors of theatre and certain types of music.  Greek art strongly influenced the Romans and most other civilisations all the way up to the present day.


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