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Delphi the Philosopher Enquiry Packs now available!

The Trial of Socrates from Delphi the Philosopher

Hi everybody,

We hope you’ve had a great summer break – and if you haven’t started back already, it will soon be time to get back into the classroom! This is a perfect time of year to start teaching philosophy to children and we’ve just released some new resources to make that as easy as possible.

Introducing: Delphi Philosophy Enquiry Packs!

We’ve packed up the individual enquiries from Delphi the Philosopher, our full scheme of work to introduce children to philosophy, and you can now download each one individually! This means you can pick your favourite story to try with your class, choose an enquiry that links to your other teaching and learning - or just try out teaching with Delphi before purchasing the full scheme.

Choose from the 10 Enquiry Packs now available:

  • Prologue and the Trial of Socrates – The perfect place to start teaching philosophy to children! Introduce your class to Delphi, Plato and Socrates and start learning the basic skills needed to do philosophy.

  • Big Questions - Meet some Greek philosophers and lead your class in asking some big philosophical questions.

  • The Ring - Discover an invisibility ring with Delphi and lead your class in an ethics enquiry. Does it really matter if she does something bad?

  • The Golden Mean - Teach children about virtue ethics by discovering a strange potion shop with Delphi and Plato.

  • The Wish - When she meets a god, Delphi finds herself in the role of King Midas in this enquiry about wealth and logic.

  • The Perfect Bedroom - See what happens when Delphi gets her perfect bedroom, in this philosophical enquiry about freedom and happiness.

  • Zeus - When Delphi meets Zeus, she investigates whether a god really can do anything in this philosophical enquiry about power and free will.

  • Miletus - Join Delphi in a Socratic dialogue and philosophical enquiry about what is really fair in life.

  • The Escape - Teach children to be persuasive as you join Delphi in trying to free Socrates from prison!

  • Hemlock - As Delphi finally meets Socrates, lead your class on a philosophical enquiry about what really makes a good life.

You can find out more about each enquiry from the Delphi the Philosopher pages of our website.

Each Enquiry Pack can be taught as a stand-alone lesson (or lessons) and contains everything you need. Each download includes:

  • The story, with illustrations and guidance notes alongside the text for easy teaching

  • The lesson slideshow to display the pictures and questions to the children

  • The lesson plan

  • Any resources you need

  • A short guide to teaching with Delphi

You can download each Enquiry Pack for £5.99. What’s more, you don’t need to pay for the enquiry again if you purchase the full Delphi the Philosopher scheme! For each enquiry you’ve purchased already, £5 can be taken off the cost of the full scheme on request. You’ll find details in each Enquiry Pack download.

Of course, if you want to teach the full scheme of work for this year then you can download the full School Version of Delphi the Philosopher – and you’ll get every enquiry, resource and the full Delphi Philosophy Teacher’s Guide to help develop your teaching and assess the children’s progress.

This is just the beginning for our Enquiry Store, which will continue to grow in the future. We really hope you’re looking forward to introducing your class to Delphi this year!

Also, keep an eye out for the launch of our children’s section of the website with Delphi’s Guide to Athens – a classroom-friendly interactive story, and history and philosophy resource – coming in the next couple of weeks!

Wishing you all a fun and philosophical start to the school year,

Dave Whitney

Delphi Philosophy


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